Legal notices

Website publisher

The website is the property of NJA INDUSTRIE, a limited liability company with a capital of 8 000€.
Siret : 52894027300022
APE code: Décolletage (2562A)

Director of publication: Loïc Bultot, Managing Director of NJA Industrie.



NJA Industrie

283 Chemin de La Coudre
ZI Ecotec BP 15


Site hosting

Company: OVH
Address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France


Website design and natural referencing

Company: D2b Consulting, conseil en stratégie commerciale et stratégie digitale
Address: 3, rue Gattefossé – 69800 St Priest – France.


Legal information

The information diffused on this site and more largely on the domain names property of NJA Industrie are provided on a purely informative basis. NJA Industrie compiles and produces these contents from various concordant sources. NJA Industrie could not be held responsible for the truthfulness and the relevance of the contents nor for the use and the exploitation that the user of the site could make of it.

Any reproduction, modification, publication, copy, total or partial of the contents presented on the domains of NJA Industrie, by some process that it is and some is the support is forbidden.


Exclusion of guarantee

NJA Industrie endeavours to ensure as well as possible the exactitude and the update of the contents of the site. Nevertheless, NJA Industrie declines any responsibility as regards the information which can be consulted on or starting from the site, in particular the contents, its exhaustiveness, its exactitude or its reliability. NJA Industrie does not give any guarantee whatever it is, express or implicit, in particular as for the absence of interruption or error of the service or with the performances or results resulting from the use of the site. The information contained on the site can be modified constantly. NJA Industrie cannot guarantee that the information is complete, true or up to date.


Exclusion of responsibility

NJA Industrie shall not be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the use of the information and materials contained on the site or other content you may access through links from the site.

The sites linked directly or indirectly are not under the control of NJA Industrie. Consequently, NJA Industrie does not assume any responsibility as for information published on these sites. The links with external sites are provided only as a convenience and do not imply any guarantee as for their contents.


Protection of privacy

The personal data collected is for internal use only. Under no circumstances will this data be passed on or sold to third parties. In accordance with French legislation, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. For any request, please contact us.


Links from and to this content

The contents of the domains of NJA Industrie can include links towards other sites or other contents Internet, not property of NJA Industrie. Consequently, NJA Industrie could not be held responsible for these contents and for the functioning of these sites (cookies, collection of personal data, …).

It is possible to create links towards the contents compiled or produced by NJA Industrie. To optimize these links for the benefit of the 2 sites, NJA Industrie could be brought to ask for a modification in the realization of the link (keywords, URL, …).



All reproduction and distribution rights reserved. © 2023 NJA Industrie.